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Why Everyone Wins

For Buyer:

  • We offer deals near you, which are usually within 10-15 miles in your local area.

  • You have chance to suggest what deals you like to get, and we contact your favorite merchants or services to run the deals for you.

  • Buyers can choose to support their favorite local school or charity, and Daily Deal Central will donate part of the sales when you buy a deal.

  • Buyers can get credits by purchasing the deals, or referring friends to our Daily Deal Central website.

For Business:

  • We bring business local customers who become your royal long term customers.

  • Business doesn't have to wait long time to run their deals, our deals can go live in 10 minutes.

  • Businesses select the type of deal they want to offer: start from 30% off.

  • Business can obtain list of email addresses of Buyers so they can email special offers to them in the future.

For Charity:

  • Any local school or charity with a non-profit status can receive proceeds we donate from the deals purchased by their supporters!

  • We offer a great new way for schools and charities to raise funds without much hassle.

  • No need for the kids to run around in the neighborhood asking for help.

  • You will receive a check every month or quarter.

For Affiliate:

  • Send Deal offers to your email list or organization, you can earn commissions.

  • Get paid more by initiating deals in your home town, or in any city across the country.

  • Be a hero helping Local Schools and Charities get donations - easily!